The purpose of this experiment is to translate the problem into the language of feeling, which will not only simplify the process of diagnosis and treatment, but also increase hypnotizability.
Behavioral experiment will help you weed out imaginary situations and realize the connection between thought and feelings. The record is not needed by me, but by you. Expressing thoughts on paper helps to understand them better. Therefore, it is very important to choose your words as accurately as possible in order to most accurately express the bodily manifestation of the problem. It can be shaking in the hands, burning in the chest, drying of the throat, difficulty breathing, tears, numbness of the hands or feet, pulsation in the abdomen, etc.
Having understood exactly what your discomfort is at the physiological level, I can develop the right strategy for dealing with it at the psychological level. Only with an accurate idea of what should be disposed of, can we take the first steps in this direction.
For example, if you experienced bouts of chilling tensions, and after the session they stopped, it would mean that we are moving in the right direction, and in the same way we could eliminate the other painful symptoms.
Example: Squeezes the chest, while there are thoughts: "I am weak, it is better for me not to do it, otherwise I will certainly be dishonored"
Remember and describe
Repeated situations, circumstances that make you feel dizzy or have strange emotions. Episodes, in which, you clearly understand that there are no reasons for this kind of reaction, but which are repeated again and again, regardless of your attempts to rationalize them.
Try to identify the circumstances that were present in all such cases: perhaps it was a certain smell, a certain color, a certain tactile sensation or something else. You can isolate the unifying element by answering a simple question: how do these situations differ from other similar ones? The conclusion should be written down on paper, having formulated the problem, for example, by its main symptom or reason. Emotions and physical sensations. What do you feel during the attack? Anger, resentment, guilt, fear, shame? Think about where this uncomfortable feeling is localized in your body? How does it reveal itself? Trembling, palpitations, sweating, spasms?
During the behavioral experiment, coolly track and record the required information. Write, for example, that in public speaking, when you feel the stares of the audience, you “want to hide” or it becomes “difficult to breathe, because everything is compressed in the chest”. Thoughts. Emotional and bodily sensations are always accompanied by a certain kind of thoughts. What thoughts do you have?
Try to write down everything that comes to mind during discomfort, even if it is contradictory, confused and diverse: “It’s better not to argue once again”, “I need to constantly control speech, otherwise I will stutter”, “It’s better to wait for a happier event” etc. Behavior. Take a look at yourself and try to determine the model of your behavior without trying to explain it. Write down what you do when you are targeted. Perhaps you are trying to show your indifference. Or often make pauses to gather courage. Or try not to be in the center of attention, inactive.
Start filling out the form
The Situation
Physical sensations
Your contact information
Hypnability Diagnostic Script