These exercises are done lying down before bedtime. In each exercise, you tighten the corresponding muscles to a state of maximum tension and then simply let go.
Given the automatic relaxation response which occurs after the maximum stress, you will not have to make any effort to achieve a sufficiently noticeable feeling of relaxation.
- Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your body, clench your fists and pull your feet toward you. Maintain this position. Slowly release your fingers and feet. Repeat this 6-10 times.
- Lying on your back, stretch your arms up behind your head. Pull your fingers up as if you are trying to get something from behind your head. At the same time, pull your heels of down (away from your head). Now slowly relax your arms and legs. Repeat this 5-10 times.
- Lying on your back, place your arms along your torso. Stretch your neck upwards so that the back of your head touches your back and is aligned with your shoulders. Then relax. Repeat this 5 times.
- Lying on your back, with your arms by your side, bend in the thoracic and lumbar regions. The points of support are the shoulders and the pelvis. Bend the chest and abdomen. Having bent, feel how the spine is strained and stretched. Then relax. Repeat 8-10 times.
- Lying on your back with your arms by your side, bend at the same time in the cervicothoracic and lumbar regions. The points of support are the back of the head and the pelvis. Stretch to the maximum and then slowly relax. Repeat this 5 times.
- Lie on your back, with your arms by your side, legs bent at the knees, feet resting on the floor. Pressing the waist to the floor, lift the pelvis forward and upward, as if from yourself. Feel the tension in the lower back and relax. Repeat this 5 times.
- Lie on your back, arms up, legs apart with your knees bent and an emphasis on the feet. Secure your right knee with your left heel and stretch your whole body in the opposite direction. Relax and return to the starting position. Do the same with the other foot. Secure your left knee with your right heel and pull the upper part of the body in the opposite direction. Relax and return to the starting position. Repeat this 5 times.
- Lie on your back, arms up, legs apart with your knees bent and an emphasis on the feet Bring your knees and feet together and lay them on the floor to the right, turning your head to the left. Stretch. This will create a twisting effect. Relax and return to the original position. Repeat the same thing, making movements in the other direction: with your knees and legs on the floor to the left, head – to the right. Repeat 5-6 times for each side.
- Lie on your back, with your arms apart, your feet resting against each other and your knees apart. Try to lay your legs on the floor. Feel the tension in your inner thighs and calves, bring your legs together and relax. Repeat 8-10 times.
- Lying on your back, place your hands along your torso. Pull your right heel down and allow the entire right side of your body to follow it, while slightly raising your left heel . Then point your left heel down so that the left side of your body follows it, and your right heel is pointing in the opposite direction to your head and with the right side of your body. This exercise is like walking downstairs.
Repeat 10 times.
- Lie on your back, with your arms by your side, your legs together and your knees bent with an emphasis on the feet. Raise the pelvis high, bend in the lumbar region and lift the straight right leg up. Pull your right heel away and return to the starting position. Relax and do the same with your left foot. Repeat 5 times on each leg.
- Sit on your left side; put your hands behind your head. Position the head, pelvis and heels at the same level. Pull both your legs and your head towards your stomach. Feel the tension in your spine. Return to the initial state, rest for 3-4 seconds and repeat the exercise. Perform 5-6 repetitions.
- Lie on your back, place your arms by your side. Make a “wave”: successively bend in the cervical region (support – the back of the head and shoulders), then in the cervicothoracic region (support – the back of the head and groin), and then – in the neck-thoracic and lumbar region (support – the back of the head and pelvis). Repeat 6 times.